Sunday, June 24, 2007
AGLOCO™ is free to join !!!

Is AGLOCO™ free to join?
Yes! AGLOCO™ is completely FREE, there are no hidden fees and no premium accounts. You will NEVER be asked to pay for membership. Click here to join

How do I create an account?
Accounts can be created by visiting the AGLOCO™ website or click here

Do I need to be referred by an existing Member to join?
No, you can join AGLOCO™ directly - but if you were referred make sure you enter your referrer's ID number when you sign up.

What if I want to quit?
AGLOCO™ does its best to give you all the advantages you want on the Internet, but there are no obligations to maintain your Membership. You may quit at any time. If you cancel your account, you forfeit any account balances and any referrals. Of course, you can rejoin whenever you want but you'll start out without any balance or referrals.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
How To Sign Up ?

It is easy to sign-up and takes less than 2 minutes.

Membership is completely free.
You will never be charged as a member of AGLOCO.

All of your information will be completely private.
We believe we have the best privacy policy on the Internet. None of your personal information will be sold, rented or shared without your permission.

Become a part of the next generation of the Internet.
As an economic network,AGLOCO is helping shape the future role of consumers on the web.

Join now and get involved in the future of the Internet.
Don't miss out. There is zero cost to becoming a member, so get in early and
tell your friends before they are already members. Like most companies,
those who are early and active stand to benefit the most.

Monday, June 18, 2007
How Get Money From Agloco

  • Search:

    Every time you use the Viewbar to do an Internet search, AGLOCO earns money from the search engine providers. (For example, Google pays as much as $0.10 on average for each search that is directed to its search engine.)

  • Advertising:

    The Viewbar itself displays ads that are targeted based upon the websites you’re visiting. When you click on an ad and make a purchase, AGLOCO receives a referral fee, which we pass on to our Members. (Please note: Individual members do not receive any compensation for clicking on ads in the Viewbar™, and the Viewbar can detect if someone is clicking ads in a fraudulent manner.)

  • Transaction commissions:

    Many major retailers pay commissions when you refer customers who make a purchase. AGLOCO collects that commission and passes it on to our members. (For example, Amazon pays an 8.5% commission to most websites who refer customers, and has cut deals for even larger percentages. The bigger the AGLOCO community, the better commission we can negotiate for our Members.)

  • Software distribution:

    Numerous software companies pay websites to encourage the download of new software releases (for example, Adobe’s Flash and Acrobat Reader software), and trial versions of new programs. AGLOCO members not only get access to the latest and coolest software, they get paid for it.

  • Service distribution:

    Many online service providers will look to the AGLOCO community as a source of new and active users for their services. (For example, Skyp, and Pay Pal, among others, all pay fees to people who help them recruit new active users to their services)
  • Sunday, June 17, 2007
    AGLOCO is an Economic Network
    I'd like to elaborate on what kind of community AGLOCO is.
    Many of us are familiar with online social networks, such as MySpace and Facebook, as well as online professional networks, like LinkedIn and Doostang. These networks are based around communities communicating with one another in the personal (social) or professional environment.
    AGLOCO is an Economic Network. An Economic Network is based on similar roots, but also adds the driving principle that individuals who have joined together as a group can be economically stronger than the individuals alone.
    This is the driving principal behind any group trying to become stronger by joining forces: business groups (like trade associations and the Chamber of Commerce), countries (like the formation of NAFTA
    and the EU), or people (like labor unions and buying co-ops).
    For individuals it is simple. They can demand more from the entities that had been controlling them and finally achieve the power they deserve. Much like segments of the labor force saw they were being exploited 100 years ago, today we see the Internet consumer being economically exploited by many Internet companies. AGLOCO wants to change that.
    Individual Internet Users are already creating value all over the Internet, and only now are they coming together as Members of AGLOCO to
    claim that value. The purpose of an economic network is for the Members to acquire as much of the value they create as possible, and they shouldn’t have to change their Internet usage behavior to get it.
    This is the whole basis for creating this company.
    The Internet holds many unique and valuable ways for individuals to “interact with each other and with groups.” Wikipedia is showing this with free access to information on the Internet. AGLOCO can accomplish the same thing with free access to value created on the Internet.
    Thoughts and comments? I will have much more to say about this in the future.
    Brian Greenwald
    AGLOCO Development Team
    What is AGLOCO ?

    Do You Realize How Valuable You Are?

    Advertisers, search providers, and online retailers are paying
    billions to reach you while you surf. How much of that money are you

    You Deserve A Piece of the Action

    AGLOCO gets paid by companies to reach our Members through our Viewbarâ„¢ software.We give that money back to you.

    Build the Community, Make More Money

    Through our Referral Program, we reward those who are helping to build this Global Community. The bigger the community, the more
    money AGLOCO makes for its Members.

    What’s the Catch?

    No catch. Sign up, refer your friends, download the free Viewbarâ„¢ software and surf the Internet as you normally would.

    Privacy Counts.

    Your information will never be sold, rented,or shared with anyone else. Bulletproof privacy is a core commitment of AGLOCO.

    Visit for more information!